Inversion PRO - Layers Theme v5.0 APK
Inversion PRO is same as Inversion UI, except that buying this you'll support me.
Please leave a review, this help me growing in the community :)
This is a RRO/Layers/Overlay theme, not for CM!
Hangouts: from version 4.0 you don't need flashable zip anymore
* AllCast (notifications)
* Calculator
* Cell-broadcast
* Contacts
* DeskClock (notifications)
* Dialer
* Eleven
* Framework-res
* GMail (notifications)
* Google Contacts
* Google Dialer
* Google Inbox (notifications)
* Google Keep
* Google Messenger
* Google Play Music
* Google Play Store
* Hangouts
* Package Installer
* Phone
* Server-telecom
* Settings
* SystemUI
* Velvet (alias Google Now)
* WhatsApp (beta)
Theme developed by SPAstef. Thanks to Jimmy Setiawan, RootSU, Jorge Jimenez, Abdulwahab Isam, Syko Pompos and all the community.
InversionUI V5:
- Added ES File Explorer
- Added AOSP Browser
- Added Screener
- Added Pipette
- Added DocumentsUI
- Added Google Services (GMS)
- Changes to WhatsApp
- Changes to Framework
Inversion PRO - Layers Theme v5.0 APK
Reviewed by s

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